These are exciting times

2:50 AM / Posted by Lenva /

I was reading Will Richardson's blog entitled Technology is the Devil in which he referred to a Time magazine article on Web 2.0. This article gives data on the low participation in Web 2.0 websites such as YouTube and Wikipedia as compared with visitors who are passively reading those sites. I'm not concerned with numbers of people who upload. I don't think you need to be an active uploader to participate and collaborate. If you are reading blogs or wikis, or are viewing videos YouTube you are part of the collaborative community. Not everyone needs to post their thoughts and ideas on the internet. Reading a blog has lead to many animated and intense discussions in the staffroom and therefore is making an impact and facilitating change in the way people think and act.
I don't think that reading has to be a passive activity. The thoughts and ideas formed from reading can lead to action and big changes.
I don't think it is imperative that we write blogs - but it do think it is important to read them.

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